Improving research outcomes with a 100% focus on enhancing the clinical trial experience for participants, families, caregivers and sites.

Our industry continues to face challenges not only with recruiting participants for clinical trials globally, but with retaining them as well. One reason is because we ask a lot of people – including patients, families and caregivers, and research site staff -- when they join a clinical trial. The least we can do is make it easier for them to participate. At Illingworth Research Group, we are 100% focused on enhancing the clinical trial experience by offering solutions for participants and sites that help reduce the time, cost and other burdens associated with being part of a clinical trial.
Accelerating trial completion by facilitating patient recruitment, diversity and retention.
Our industry continues to face challenges not only with recruiting participants for clinical trials globally, but with retaining them as well. One reason is because we ask a lot of people – including patients, families and caregivers, and research site staff -- when they join a clinical trial. The least we can do is make it easier for them to participate. At Illingworth Research Group, we are 100% focused on enhancing the clinical trial experience by offering solutions for participants and sites that help reduce the time, cost and other burdens associated with being part of a clinical trial.

Our flexible approach provides optionality to patients, families/caregivers and sites – so everyone can focus on what matters most.
Mobile Research Nursing
Patient Concierge Services
Clinical Trial Site Support
Want to Learn More?
Download our brochure to learn more about how we bring clinical trials to participants and participants to clinical trial sites
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